Friday, July 5, 2013

Wallpaper Choices for the Bathroom

Please comment! Sticking to neutrals. These are all cream tones with a little grey. It's hard to see the color variation but you can see the patterns pretty well.

#1 Dark cream on light cream.

#2 Has a little metallic tone to match the fixtures with a subtle writing pattern.

#3 Kind of grey and white.

#4 Cream and light cream.

#5 Cream and grey tones - botanical print.


  1. is it a powder room? Only asking because I wouldn't put anything flocked in a room with a shower or bath and #1 looks like it may be flocked (hard to see). i like 1 and 3 best. Thinking 2 & 5 will look dated too soon and 4 may be a bit too formal or dining room-y. those are my 2 cents.

  2. I also like # 2 and 3. Although I agree that 2 has the potential to look dated. 5 looks a bit large for a powder room. T also likes 2. She thinks it looks antique but still modern.?.
